A gorgeous ribbed stomach does not have to be a dream. You can have tight abs and you do not have to do a hundred crunches a day to get them. With a combination of diet, exercise and the best 6 pack tips around, you’ll be walking around, showing off a gorgeous stomach in no time.

Watch Your Diet – If you want everyone to see your abs, you should be be able to find them. Eating the right foods like lean meats, carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables will help your body burn that unwanted fat while staying healthy at the same time. You should also stop eating large meals and settle for smaller, more frequent ones. Sweets need to be in moderation, but water needs to be consumed throughout the whole day.

Do Your Cardio – While you eat the right foods to keep the fat at bay, you need cardio to burn off the fat that is already there. The abdominals seem to attract fat, and that fat hides muscles lying underneath. Doing three 30-minute workouts a week will help you rid your body of that fat, and keep it off.

Train 2 to 3 Times a Week – You really only need to work your abs a few times a week, with one day break in between trainings. It is a myth that the more you work them, the faster they’ll grow. They need rest and recuperation like any other muscle group. During your workout, make sure the abs are done at the beginning. This ensures you do them properly because you won’t be overtired from a long workout.

Resistance Training – To build muscle, you need resistance, and your abs are not different than the legs or arm. Make sure you give your abs the best workout possible by adding resistance moves. Two examples are the leg-raises on the Captain’s Chair and the incline bench sit-ups. You can also add resistance during your workout by doing your moves in slow motion.

Important Tip #5 – Don’t just focus on the top layer of abs for a six-pack look, you need to work the whole waistline. This includes the top and lower abs, your obliques, and your back. If you want a well-defined stomach, you need to focus on the big picture, not just one group of muscles.

Strong abs not only to give you a gorgeous six-pack look, but they keep your body strong. When your abs are strong, everyday tasks are easier on your back. Using these five best 6 pack tips with your regular workout will help you sculpt the kind of stomach you want, and help you keep it.

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